Our Vision
At Ysgol Estyn we make certain that our whole school community ‘Reaches Forward Together’ in a happy, fun, caring, inclusive, friendly, respectful, kind and honest way. We ensure all children fulfil their potential……. In whatever that may be!!
Yn Ysgol Estyn rydym yn gwneud yn siŵr bod cymuned ein hysgol gyfan yn ‘Ymestyn ymlaen ynghyd’ mewn ffordd hapus, hwyliog, gofalgar, cynhwysol, cyfeillgar, parchus, caredig. Sicrhau bod pob plentyn yn cyflawni ei botensial ……. Ym mha beth bynnag y bo!!
Our school will be the kind of place where:
- each individual within the institution is valued.
- everyone feels that his/ her opinion and voice is heard, valued and respected.
- there is a clarity and understanding of the school’s aims and ethos.
- there is ‘learning and living together’ so that everyone’s potential is exploited for the benefit of the whole.
- we are developing ‘Quality People for a Quality Future’.