It is County Policy that:
Children can be admitted to our Nursery if they have attained their 3rd birthday BEFORE the 1st September. Parents may express a preference for any nursery irrespective of where the child’s home is in relation to the school. However, expressing a preference does not guarantee a place at that nursery.
Ysgol Estyn Nursery offers pre school education for children of three and four years and is part of the primary school. The staff consists of a Nursery teacher and sufficient Classroom Assistants to cover a ratio of 1:10 in any given academic year. The curriculum is based on the Curriculum for Wales which has become statutory from September 2022.
Our aim is to create a happy, fun, caring, friendly and purposeful atmosphere New arrivals are welcomed into a relaxed and cheerful setting We lay the foundations for such work as learning letters recognising and using numbers We try to improve the children’s grasp of language by encouraging them to communicate effectively We try to develop their understanding of the world around them in a hands on, fun way We encourage pupils to learn at their own rate and develop skills in language and maths when they are ready.
The children explore personal relationships, learning to share, take turns and play together. They still have a lot of growing to do, so they need activities that develop both co ordination and muscles At Nursery, they learn to use a paint brush, crayons and scissors a competence that will help towards good co-ordination of hand and eye later when they are learning to write. They begin to learn their letter sounds, number names and 1:1 correspondence.
Regular attendance is essential for your child to settle well into our Nursery If your child is absent for any reason please notify school immediately.
Most of all we aim for all children to be happy and enjoy their time in the Nursery at Ysgol Estyn.
Children who have attained their 4th birthday BEFORE 1st September are admitted into full time education at Ysgol Estyn. All children start in
Reception Class at the beginning of the school year in September.
The Education Act of 1980 allows parents to express a preference for a school. The LA is the admitting authority and endeavors to comply with that preference unless the school is full, when the procedure defined in the County’s admission policy will be followed . (A copy is available on request from the school office.
Parents who wish their children to be admitted to our school by transferring from another school or area may obtain more information from school. Pupils who are transferring schools must complete relevant transfer forms online at prior to transfer. Arrangements to visit the school may be made by prior appointment Transfer cannot be guaranteed and is dependent among other reasons on pupil numbers in each year group