A message from the Headteacher

Dear Parents,
I have great pleasure in introducing you to our warm and welcoming school. As a parent of two children, I know that you, as parents or guardians will be concerned for your child’s education and future. Ultimately you will want your child to be happy and feel safe and valued in school. You will also want to provide them with the best opportunities and experiences that schools have to offer.
The aim of this website is to provide you with an insight to our school. This includes what makes our school unique, our values, beliefs and how the curriculum is organised and managed. You will also find general information about our caring school and what to expect when your child embarks on their journey with us.
I look forward to welcoming you and your children to Ysgol Estyn. It will be my pleasure to show you around and to answer any questions you may have. In the meantime, I hope this prospectus provides you with an insight to where your child will begin their journey towards lifelong learning.
Do not hesitate to arrange an appointment.
Yours sincerely,
Mr G D Jones BEd(Hons) NPQH
Our Vision
"Reaching Forward Together"
At Ysgol Estyn, we make certain that our whole school community ‘Reaches Forward Together’ or ‘YmestynYmlaenYnghyd’ in a happy, fun, caring, inclusive, friendly, respectful, kind and honest way. We ensure all children fulfil their potential……. In whatever that may be!!
Yn Ysgol Estyn rydym yn gwneud yn siŵr bod cymuned ein hysgol gyfan yn ‘Ymestyn ymlaen ynghyd’ mewn ffordd hapus, hwyliog, gofalgar, cynhwysol, cyfeillgar, parchus, caredig. Sicrhau bod pob plentyn yn cyflawni ei botensial ……. Ym mha beth bynnag y bo!!